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Writer's pictureQueenie Ansin

Being Practical: Wear Face Shields in addition to Facemasks

Updated: Nov 30, 2020

Portfolio 2: Marketing Article


In the world as it is today, wearing both facemasks and face shields is the new normal. The wearing of face shields in addition to face masks is a reassuring way to avoid getting infected by the novel coronavirus. People nowadays have been getting impatient and frustrated with wearing face shields and facemasks, the reason they opt not to wear either of the two. All of us should remember that it is mandatory to wear one, not just for your own protection but for others too. People are to wear masks in public places, like on any transportation vehicles, if there is important events and gatherings, and anywhere around crowded places. Also, one should not forget to practice social distancing.

Wearing a facemask and face shield helps reduce the transmission of the coronavirus. To avoid having any violators, cities around the Philippines have implemented to penalize people who don’t wear facemasks and those who don’t practice social distancing in public. Last October 5, Cagayan de Oro implemented it under the Ordinance No. 13946-2020. P2,000 will be fined to those who violate the ordinance. If for an instance, the person who was caught has no money available to pay for the fine, the violator will be subject to render community service. The total no. of community service would be 32 hours, which is equivalent to P2,000 fine. With these, people are more likely to obey the local law set for the betterment of the city.

The transmission of the coronavirus is mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets. It travels into air when a person cough, sneeze, and talk. Through the mouth or nose of people does these droplets land. Studies show that masks reduce the spray of droplets when wearing a mask properly. There are a lot of facemasks and face shields available everywhere, one can even buy online. There are different types of masks, like the non-medical disposable masks, masks that fit properly, masks made with tightly woven fabric, masks with one to three layers, these are the most effective fabrics for cloth masks. The Department of Health told the people, to leave the surgical masks to the healthcare workers because they need it more than us.

The recommended type of face shield to be use in public should cover the whole face – the mouth, nose, and eyes. Avoid buying the visor type face shields because it only covers the eyes. It is important that people know the relevance of our whole face being covered with mask and a full face shield for enhanced protection. The least we could do, to help our frontliners is to protect and prevent ourselves from getting or spreading the virus. People should keep in mind not to cause any trouble and to follow the laws that was implemented. In these trying times, all of us should unite as one. Let us help each other to overcome this pandemic that ruined so many lives. Remember, always wear your mask and face shield when going out.

Click the highlighted texts to know more information.


  • Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). (2020, November 13). Retrieved from

  • Cagayan de Oro city to fine non wearing of face mask, not observing social distancing in public. (2020, September 17). Retrieved from

  • The role of face Shields in responding to COVID-19. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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