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Writer's pictureHazel Cabural

Daily Skincare Products that could Change your Life


In reading the title you would probably think that I will be introducing the best skincare products available in the market. But the truth is, in this blog post I will correlate the skincare products that I will mention to the traits that we should have and things that we should give importance for us to live a happy and good life.


1. Toner (You Matter Toner)

Conceptually speaking, a toner is a product that removes dirt ingrained in your pores. When you use it and make it part of your daily skincare routine, it can have a significant positive impact on the appearance and tightness of your pores. A toner also restores the pH level of your skin, smoothens it by refining rough patches, and enhances the skin color. Just like a toner, if you want to live a happy life you should remove the things that only make your life toxic and focus on the ones that matter. Like for example, if you are with a group of people who are constantly telling and making you feel that you are not good enough then get out of it, don’t punish yourself. Be with people who can bring out the best version of you, people who can put a smile on your face, not with those who can stress you out.

2. Whitening Face and Body Soap (Think Positive Soap)

A whitening soap helps you have a lighter skin color. This is usually used by people who want to have a fair complexion. Now, relating the function of a whitening soap to our topic and knowing that the color white has a positive connotation, it implies that for us to live a happy life we should be positive thinkers. Let us fill our minds with optimism, even if we are battling a very hard problem that seems impossible to be solved. Let us not give up and keep on moving forward even if what we planned did not go well. And lastly, let us never forget that we are blessed with the best planner and teammate (God) whose mercy and compassion are always there even at times when we don't need it. With Him, you will experience love and happiness that never fades.

3. Sunscreen and Moisturizer

Sunscreens stop UV radiation from reaching our skin. Moisturizers, on the other hand, prevent and treat dry skin. These skincare products are used in the daytime when the sun is out. In connection to our topic, like the sunscreen and moisturizer, stop yourself from thinking that your failure(s) define you. Stop this thought from reaching your mind for it will surely just destroy you. Rather, you should think of your failures as your tools and learning experience that will help you in reaching your dreams and in becoming the person that you wanted to be. It is because by doing this, you’ll surely go far.

4. Rejuvenating Night Cream

The word rejuvenate simply means make fresh or new again and night cream is a cream that is made to be applied at night time. It moisturizes skin like any other day creams but it is just often richer, thicker, or heavier. As this skin care product restores and moisturizes our skin, let us think of it as our mistakes. The mistakes that gave us lessons to learn and made us like a new and better version of our self.

Now that you’ve been reminded of the things above. I hope it came across in your mind that being beautiful on the outside isn’t just the only one that you should be paying attention to. Making yourself matter, being optimistic, accepting your mistakes, and embracing your failures is also important for it could give you more than what a skincare product could give, and that is a happy and good life.

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