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Writer's pictureKenneth Plaza

Dreams of a Dreamer


I dream a hundred dreams a minute. A normal kid who dreams about leisure's and toys. A dream full of candies and rejoice. I was still naïve and childish back then, life seems so easy and free. I only cared about the things I see. I’m still naughty and immature, but my jar of dreams is full for sure.

Kenneth Plaza

I dream a hundred dreams in a year. A teenager who dreams about future careers, and overcoming fears. Dreams that was previously full of sweets, now changed because of the experiences and tears. On the stage of maturity and new interest, always think first of what decision is the best. My jar of dreams that were once full, now only left with half, but sure it is still enough.

Now, I dream of a single dream. Life wasn’t always a flowery path. When life taught me everything, I appreciate even the last drop of dreams I had. The jar of dreams is now empty because the dreams I once stored inside the jar is now inside me. Dreaming a dream nobody else could take away. An adult who dreams for nothing else but happiness. Happiness for himself and the people around him.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. As we grow older, our dream changes and becomes more certain. It is not the number, but the dream itself that fuels us to move forward. No matter how small or big your dream is, as long as you have one, then you have a reason to continue living.

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