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Writer's pictureAxel Rivera

Rebuilding the Destroyed 'Me': My Personal Story


Beauty standard has a huge effect to people. It can either affect a person's self-esteem or change someone's perspective in an instant. Although many would agree that beauty doesn't matter, but others would oppose to this idea knowing how people normally eye for beautiful things. The society view this matter differently which makes it difficult to blend in. This is why many had changed themselves just to level up with the so-called beauty standard, including me.

Axel Rivera

Staring at the mirror for an hour is the usual thing that I do before leaving the house. I always make sure that I am presentable. I have this mindset that people won't talk to someone who is not pleasing or good looking. I know I have this weird mentality but that is how I view it. I also won't deny the fact that I am amenably negative when it comes to this, for I was repeatedly teased in high school for being unattractive.

For a simple throwback, I was a carefree kid who loves to chitchat with people or goof around in elementary. Everything was fine and beautiful not until I turned 12. Small red dots popped in my face or what we call as "Pimple" in the very beginning of my high school year. My classmates would make fun of me and casually tease me out whenever they want to. Some would never say a word but simply stare at me with disgust, and all I could do is to blame myself for being ugly.

It became my habit to fake a smile every time someone would comment about my look. I endured everything for three years and in my 10th grade, reality slapped me. I put an end to all the teasing saga and I decided to defend myself this time. I know it's quite late but I guess, time teaches people. It was also my mom's constant encouragement that pushed me to be brave.

I started to accept my flaws and motivated myself through making everyone's critique of me as a piece of advice. At first, I felt awkward but I was happy and proud. I became confident and strong, thanks to my experience. I was emotionally and mentally healed while I'm in the process of rebuilding what was destroyed in me for a long time. I was once a weakling, and that made me a better person today.

Indeed, standard is the basis of people's outlook about beauty. Anyone can change anytime, or stay what he is for the rest of his life. At the end of the day, the choice is ours to choose. The only important thing that we should keep in mind is to live our lives beautifully while being beautiful in our own way.

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