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Writer's pictureKenneth Plaza

Music: My Own Time Traveling Machine


“Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.” ― Frank Zappa

Music has always been a part of my life. I don’t care about the genre, as long as I vibe with it then I’ll add it to my playlist. Give me a year or an event in my life and I’ll tell you the song I remember during that time. Seems like music can bring back tons of memories as soon as you hear it. Whether it be a painful, happy, scary, or exciting memory, music always associates with it.

Come and join me as I travel back in time using the magical melody of music. All Out of Love by Air Supply is playing inside the house. Despite the hazy memory, I can still manage to see my parents jam to the music while they do their chores. I can also see my old self playing with my toys in the living room. These days are the time of my life where my only problem is my toys. I was so naïve back then and I look like I have no idea how tough life is. If life is a tree, this memory would be the time where I was still a sprout.

Another piece of music is being played, this time I’m in my old elementary school and the song that was playing is One Direction’s Best Song Ever. This memory is a bit clearer than the previous one and I can see a group of elementary students gathered at the backside of the classroom, singing along with the song that is being played by one of their phones. Oh wait, those students are my classmates and I see my old self sitting with them. What a great memory I have that is associated with this song. These days were the time of my life when I and my classmates would jam together with the song during class breaks. Together with singing out loud as if we are performing together with One Direction. This is the time when I think that I’m matured enough even though I’m not.

This time, let’s travel back to my high school years using the song “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift. It is after class and I’m sitting on the bench in front of the school building together with my friends. One of us brought a little speaker where the music is playing, as we talk about our high school crushes and teas. Seems like we are using the song as our background music, enjoying the free time we have to shake off the academic stress since we will be graduating soon. This is the time when I met solid friends where I can lean on when I’m feeling down. We took different paths but that didn’t stop us from being friends.

Blackpink’s Lovesick Girls suddenly played on my earphones and I was taken back to the present time. Stuck inside the house during this pandemic while attending my online classes. My parents are working hard to provide for my basic needs despite the virus that is just wandering around the corner. This is a challenging time but I won’t let this block my way to reach a bright future. In the future, I’ll listen back to this song and it will surely remind me of the hardships this pandemic brought in my life. I'll just smile while saying “That was a tough experience but I’m glad I made it”.

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